Gatwick Airport from the 1960s to the 1970s

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It’s ten years since our first vintage Gatwick DVD [071: Gatwick Airport from the 1960s to the 1980s], so this all-new second look at a fascinating era at this major airport is long overdue!

Using the latest digital restoration techniques and, as always, authentic accurate sound, many classic propliners and early jets are brought back to life from long-forgotten colour film.

We start in 1961 with a Trans Atlantic Airways DC4, Royal Air Maroc Constellation and an Alitalia DC7CF. Hard to follow that? How about airside action from the ramp, featuring really close up views of Laker and BUA Britannias?

Plus CL44s of AER, RCAF and Transglobe, Dan Air Ambassadors and DC3, Kingdom of Libya Caravelle, Saber Air DC8, Temple Air and Spantax DC7Cs, Kar Air, Transair and SAM DC6Bs, Balair CV990A, loads of 707s and DC8s and lots more, as you’ll see from the photo gallery.

From down on the ramp, up on the spectator terraces, and beside the taxiway, there’s no doubt this all-new DVD captures that golden era once again. Enjoy!


Comments from our customers….

It’s a really good video. As I have said before, your back-stories make these films even more interesting. The amount of editing necessary to put this together, and the careful use of sound, is not lost on me – an awful lot of work must be involved. And it pays off. G.B.

Superb! love the sound and your commentators view. P.P

Just wanted to say, that after being at Gatwick since 1969, I think the new DVD is fantastic. I’m amazed that you were able to find so much material, surviving from the early days. R.W.

Another winner! K.D.