Spitfires to 737s - Classic airliner action from Avion Video
Spitfires to 737s - Classic airliner action from Avion Video

Spitfires to 737s

Spitfires to 737s

60 Mins

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Spitfires to 737s isn’t a video of the Bournemouth Air Festival that takes place each summer along the seafront. Instead, it’s a close up look at many of the air show participants, together with Bournemouth Airport’s normal traffic.

Filmed in High Definition video, there are some wonderful sequences bringing you a completely different experience of, for example, the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight aircraft. Gone are brief air show flypasts, accompanied by music and a blaring public address system.

Instead, you stand by a Spitfire and a Hurricane starting up and then taxiing out for take off or watch the Red Arrows streaming in to land one by one. The Lancaster too has a stunning landing sequence that turns into a really close up taxi past the camera – beautiful video and sound!

Most of the Spitfires to 737s video was filmed during the 2011 Air Festival but some sequences are from 2010, covering aircraft like the Vulcan and F16 that didn’t appear this year.

Highlights include:

BBMF: Spitfire Hurricane Lancaster
Spitfire Tr MK IX
Percival Pembroke
The Red Arrows
Breitling Stearmans
Avro Vulcan
B17G Sally B
Netherlands A.F. F16
RAF Tornado
Sea Vixen
Atlantic Airlines Electra
West Air and Atlantic ATPs