Classic Jetliners at Work - Classic airliner action from Avion Video
Classic Jetliners at Work - Classic airliner action from Avion Video

Classic Jetliners at Work

57 Mins

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Created in 2010 as Veteran Jetliners at Work, this video has now been re-released, after being upgraded to wide screen high definition, using the latest Artifical Intelligence software.

Preserved airliners are great; there should be more of them. But, what we really want to see is not a re-painted, highly polished, cherished machine. We want the real thing, often complete with dents and dirt, at work in its proper environment; the freight ramps and secondary airports of the world.

That’s what you get in Classic Jetliners at Work with its great collection of hard-working jetliners that once were the stars of air travel in the 60s and 70s, including:

DC8s and 727s at Miami

707s at Sharjah

IL62s at Istanbul

727s and DC9s at Caracas

Flight on a LADE 707

Passenger 727s

MK and AIA DC8s

Qinetiq BAC 1-11

737-200s and DC9s at Buenos Aires

737-200s at Quito, Ecuador