Airports in the 90s - Miami - Classic airliner action from Avion Video
Airports in the 90s - Miami - Classic airliner action from Avion Video

Airports in the 90s – Miami

Airports in the 90s - Miami

60 Mins

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Airports in the 90s – Miami was an instant success with its mix of Latin American airlines, US carriers and the last of MIA’s famous propliners. 

So much has changed in commercial aviation since Airports in the 90s – Miami was filmed. Take the 727 for instance. Do you remember Amerijet, ACES, Avensa, SAN, Mexicana, Servivensa, United, Northwest, American, Carnival, Delta, TWA or Sun Pacific examples?

They’re all on the DVD, together with plenty of other great vintage jetliners like DC8s of Arrow Air, ATC Columbia, Fine Air, Zuliana, Buffalo and Air Marshall Islands. 707 fans won’t be disappointed either, with aircraft from airlines like Tampa, Millon Air, Challenge Air Cargo and AECA.

Miami used to mean big props and we give Trans Air Link’s remaining DC6s the full treatment out on the ramp, plus a look at a forlorn Agro Air C97.

Filmed on digital video, Airports in the 90s – Miami brings back some fabulous memories of a great airport in its prime.