Airports in the 90s - Frankfurt - Classic airliner action from Avion Video
Airports in the 90s - Frankfurt - Classic airliner action from Avion Video

Airports in the 90s – Frankfurt

Airports in the 90s - Frankfurt

80 mins

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Airports in the 90s – Frankfurt took advantage of Frankfurt’s fabulous viewing facilities and we shot two videos there in the 1990s. Now we’ve combined the best of each one in this 80 minute video, with an emphasis on those airliners no longer seen today.

Back in 1993, JT8D-powered 737-200s, 727s and DC9s were common here. Now, they’ve acquired classic status and this DVD will certainly bring back memories of ‘proper’ jet sound!

There are plenty of big tri-jets on this DVD, as Delta, Air India, Saudia, TAP, Rich, Jordanian, ATA, BWIA and LTU Tristars mix with DC10s from Aeromexico, Taino, Varig, Canadi>n, ASA, AOM, Express One, Lufthansa, and Viasa.

These are just some of the airliners to be seen on Airports in the 90s – Frankfurt, which takes you back to another era and doesn’t feature any Lufthansa A320s!