Air Atlantique - Classic airliner action from Avion Video
Air Atlantique - Classic airliner action from Avion Video

Air Atlantique

72 mins

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We spent a lot of time at Coventry in 2000, filming Air Atlantique at work and catching the arrivals and practice display routines for the 50’s Airshow that year.  The result was our Air Atlantique video, subsequently released as a double DVD with Super Connie Rescue.

Air Atlantique has now been re-released, after being upgraded to wide screen high definition, using the latest Artifical Intelligence software. Super Connie Rescue will follow as soon as possible.

At one time, Atlantic Airlines’ freight services were operated by the world’s largest Electra fleet, plus two DC6s and a Convair 440. It had seven operational DC3s, used for spraying oil dispersant at sea, and freight & passenger duties. As well as all that it also ran an Historic Flight with aircraft like the Twin Pioneer, Dove, Dragon Rapide and an airworthy Avro Anson.

Features include:

A flightdeck ride on a DC6 over the Alps to Turin and back to Coventry via Lille.

A flightdeck ride on a DC3 to East Midlands Airport, at 2,500 feet.

Historic Flight DC3, Twin Pioneer, Rapide, Anson, Devon, plus visiting Canberra, Meteor, Spitfire two-seater and Fennec at an Open Weekend.

50’s Airshow arrivals including Noratlas & Flamont, plus practice displays.

Electra and Convair 440 freighters in action.