747 Memories Part Two : Series 400 [Passenger service] - Classic airliner action from Avion Video
747 Memories Part Two : Series 400 [Passenger service] - Classic airliner action from Avion Video

747 Memories Part Two : Series 400 [Passenger service]

74 mins

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747 Memories Part Two : Series 400 [Passenger service] uses footage from a variety of Avion DVDs, plus video from other contributors. Bringing you a detailed look at what must be the most successful passenger variant of the 747; the Series 400.

An informative narrative ties together some of the main elements of the 747-400 story, whilst never getting in the way of the action you want to hear, as well as see.

With over thirty different airlines, seen at ten airports worldwide including airside locations, 747 Memories Part Two : Series 400 [Passenger service] continues the 747 saga, with close up action that really gives you a sense of the impact of this amazing machine.

Collect all of our 747 Memories DVDs for an exciting record of this milestone in civil aviation.